Who's idea was this?

At his wife's suggestion, Parker Behm needed something to do after retirement took its' toll on boredom.  Having spent the last 40 years volunteering with youth programs in Troy schools and churches, this just seemed like a natural retirement project.​​
What's the point?

Our society in America has gotten away from the family as the central theme of existence.  Nearly half of the children today grow up in a single parent home and the electronic equipment has taken over as the current day babysitter.  This leaves children with little opportunity to learn mechanical skills and the value of hard work and accomplishment.  TVs and Ipods just ​​leave a lot to be desired in building good moral values and developing confidence and self worth.

Life Cycles was formed for the purpose of teaching children life qualities such as the value of hard work, mechanical skills, organization, self discipline, thriftiness, goal setting, making wise choices, and the pride of accomplishment. Along the route, perhaps they will have the opportunity to learn good work ethic.

The point is to provide these qualities to our children in a safe environment using strong conservative American values and lots of caring and love. ​​

How do you plan on doing that?

The program is conducted as an after school activity where children can participate and learn in a safe supervised setting located at 628 S. Crawford St., Troy, OH. The Crawford Street location is set up to accommodate the activities of Life Cycles. Donated old and non-functioning bicycles will be used as the vehicle to teach these lessons. The children will be provided with a work area, instructions, and the tools necessary to rebuild and repair donated bicycles making them usable again. In exchange for their efforts, they will earn credits commensurate with the value of their work. They may accumulate those credits and exchange them as they desire for available articles of their choice. These articles will include snacks, bicycle parts, and rebuilt bicycles. Ultimately, they will be able to make choices that can lead to the opportunity to earn themselves a bicycle.  

Absolutely no items are offered for sale in exchange for cash.   Items are only available to any child who chooses to participate in the opportunity and earn credits for which he or she may exchange for the products offered.

We would love your help - Come on down!